
My Life Story

My Life Story

I Love street music. It was New Year eve and I was waiting for my family on sky train -Vancouver. I saw a musician playing accordion, I stopped and watch him. After couple of mins, I saw a woman come close to him and put some money into his basket, she stepped back waved and started dancing. The musician after a couple seconds went to her and they hug each other and started crying. I found out they both were from Spain, same town and grew up together. They had not seen each other for a long time and now they run into each other in Vancouver, it was very amazing to see and I loved seeing such an emotional reunion.

Five minutes later I was still standing there and I saw my Second cousin from Sweden, I had only seen her in pictures. I was speechless and looked at her and constantly kiss and hug her. It was very emotional moment. A New Year Eve I will never forget. ❤️

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