
My Life Story

My Life Story

Body language- Gestures are the act of communicating using anything other than your words. That means one thing in your part of the world can mean the exact opposite somewhere else. This is why it’s so important when you’re learning a new language, to also learn the secondary layer of meaning that it comes with: Body Language- Gestures.
For example, If someone on the street in many Middle Eastern gives you a thumbs up, they might be saying something more like, well, “up yours.” That’s because in many Middle Eastern cultures like Iran, Iraq, and parts of Greece, the “thumbs up” is basically the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger.
1997 – Vancouver, Canada was driving one of the busiest roads in the downtown area and when I saw an orange light I stopped to give a chance to the other side to turn. I heard the car behind me started beeping its horn. I was confused why the guy was acting like that and after showing me a finger. I didn’t have any clue what it meant. 😍
The next day I asked one of my friends about the guy’s gestures and when he explained to me I just laughed.😍 And I learned body language- Gestures aren’t universal.🌻

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